Thursday, January 16, 2014

School Board Information

Sometimes people ask, “How can I get involved with Lorena schools?" “What role can I play in my child’s school district?” One answer is SERVE ON THE LOCAL SCHOOL BOARD! Texas school board members are elected by the community to make important decisions about the local school system. These board members are not paid, so they serve because they are passionate about quality education.

Lorena ISD currently has a tremendous group of men and women who selflessly serve our community and genuinely have our students’ success at heart! A school board member’s term is three years, and every year 2-3 positions come up for election/re-election. Sound interesting? Come by and visit with me for more information or visit Texas Association of School Board’s website at

A school board has three basic roles:

1) adopt policies that guide how the district operates (consistent with and within the scope allowed by federal and state laws and regulations)
2) adopt a budget and set a tax rate to ensure that school district funds are spend appropriately to benefit students, and
3) hire and evaluate the superintendent.

Additionally, the school board communicates with the community and monitors the success of the district.

To run for the Lorena School Board, you must complete a packet which can be obtained at the administration office at 308 N. Frontage Road in Lorena. The deadline to turn in packets is February 28.

Consider serving the students in Lorena ISD!

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